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Contact Info

Ohio Choose Life Inc. c/o Beth Sidel
33124 Meadow Green Ct,
Leesburg Florida 34748

Contact: Beth Sidel
Email: lifedeac@live.com

Donate Now

Ohio Choose Life, Inc. is an IRC 501(c)(3) organization and donations are tax deductible. 100% of funds received are used to promote the Choose Life License Plate. Please consider supporting us. Everyone is a volunteer, no salaries are paid to anyone. Funds from the sale of the Choose Life plate in each state go to support Pregnancy Resource Centers, Maternity Homes and certain non-profit adoption agencies.

Donate By Check:

Make your check out to Choose Life, Inc. and mail to the following address:

Ohio Choose Life, Inc.
c/o Beth Sidel
PO BOX 1573
Wooster Ohio 44691

Donate By Credit Card:

Fill the following form out completely and Russ Amerling will call you back for the credit card number and expiration date complete your donation. Please enter name and billing address of the credit card. If you prefer, you can call toll free 1-877-454-1203 and give this information over the phone.

Contact Information

First Name (as on credit card): MI:
Last Name (as on credit card):
Company (if applicable):
Billing Address (as on credit card):
Address Line 2:
City: State: Zip:
Day Phone: (555-111-2222 x333)
Evening Phone:
Email Address:
Gift Amount:
I want to make a contribution of $
Credit Card Information:
We accept Visa and Mastercard.
I will be using my card.